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Monitor adapter, Fake DNS, Tunnel, and DHCP combined into one Windows Service

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This program was written to provide a quick tunnel that sends all traffic to a certain port to another host. It includes a fake dns provider so that if hostnames are used then all requests to that hostname:port will be received by this program and tunneled properly. DHCP works if enabled in the source.

It is useful so you do not have to use Windows ICS and deal with its unreliable nature along side VPN traffic.



v0.2 release is now available. The binary is located at Put this in a folder called bin under the source tree and create tmp and log directories along side it. The ini should stay in etc/


run without installing service

mftd -v

install service

mftd -i

uninstall service

mftd -u


Many configuration options are included in the default configuration file mftd.ini. For more dhcp options please read OpenDHCP's pdf.

Directory Layout



main executable



mftd will check for its configuration file in the same directory it is run from and then in ../etc


logging is done in a directory called log either in ./ or ../log depending on if ini is in the same directory as the exe or not



dhcp lease state information (will be put in with bin + ini if all in same directory)


http data for refreshing lease page (will be put in with bin + ini if all in same directory)


the make process stores built object code in tmp/build


To build you will need GNU make, mingw-w64 (i686 or x64 for 32/64 bit) depending on what you comment/uncomment in the Makefile, and possibly cygwin for build tools. I believe it builds with regular mingw as well just follow the instructions in the Makefile. Once built it will work with or without cygwin.